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My Work

The following projects, presentations, and deliverables are products of the instructional design classes I've taken, projects I've done for colleagues, and personal exploration opportunities. Check them out by clicking on the images for more information.



Prodigy Math for Educators

Authoring Tools: Articulate Rise, Articulate Peek

Photos & VideosProdigy Website

Purpose: To assist educators in learning the fundamentals of Prodigy Math


Effective Communication Course Introduction

Authoring Tools: Powtoon, iMovie, YouTube

Photos & Videos: Powtoon

Storyboard: Canva

Purpose: An introduction video to a course on effective communication in the workplace.


*This was made for an assignment for an Instructional Design and Technology course.

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Effective Communication Course Introduction

Authoring Tools: 7taps, JamBoard

Photos & Videos: Pexels

Purpose: A micro-learning lesson designed for module one of the effective communication in the workplace course.


Coming Soon!

Authoring Tools

Photos & Videos


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